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نمایش نتایج جستجو برای

موضوع : ریاضی کاربردی

موارد یافت شده: 502

1 - Efficient multi-step differential transform method Theory and its application to nonlinear oscillators (چکیده)
2 - Adaptive Synchronization between Two Non-identical BAM Neural Networks with Unknown Parameters and Time-varying Delays (چکیده)
3 - Stochastic support vector regression with probabilistic constraints (چکیده)
4 - بررسی توانایی دانش آموزان سال یازدهم دراثبات درستی و نادرستی گزاره های ریاضی (چکیده)
5 - Some new three-term Hestenes–Stiefel conjugate gradient methods with affine combination (چکیده)
6 - Neighbourly Irregular Derived Graphs (چکیده)
7 - Granular Differentiability of Fuzzy-Number-Valued Functions (چکیده)
8 - Topological efficiency under graph operations (چکیده)
9 - A new hybrid denoising model based on PDEs (چکیده)
10 - Global LSMR(Gl-LSMR) method for solving general linear systems with several right-hand sides (چکیده)
11 - A new sequential approach for solving the integro-differential equation via Haar wavelet bases (چکیده)
12 - Approximation methods for solving fractional optimal control problems (چکیده)
13 - Solving Linear Two-Dimensional Fredholm Integral Equations System by Trianglular Functions (چکیده)
14 - Mathematical modelling for computation goal oriented duties in the special economic zone (چکیده)
15 - Numerical solutions for solving a class of fractional optimal control problems via fixed-point approach (چکیده)
16 - Two Extended Formulations for Cardinality Maximum Flow Network Interdiction Problem (چکیده)
17 - New methods for computing the Drazin-inverse solution of singular linear systems (چکیده)
18 - A spectral parametric iteration method for partial differential equation (چکیده)
19 - Numerical solution of nonlinear integral equations using Haar wavelets (چکیده)
20 - میزان تاثیر افزایش جریمه های راهنمایی و رانندگی بر تخلفات رانندگی (چکیده)
21 - ارایه الگوریتم برای مساله برنامه ریزی فازی انتخاب بهینه سبد سرمایه چند دوره ای در فضای عدم قطعیت (چکیده)
22 - ارائه مدلی جدید برای مساله برنامهریزی کوتاه مدت نیروی کار دائم و موقت با درنظر گرفتن تصادفی بودن برخی از پارامترها (چکیده)
23 - A descent hybrid modification of the Polak–Ribiere–Polyak conjugate gradient method (چکیده)
24 - An Adaptive Hager-Zhang Conjugate Gradient Method (چکیده)
25 - Descent Symmetrization of the Dai–Liao Conjugate Gradient Method (چکیده)
26 - An artificial neural network for solving quadratic zero-one programming problems (چکیده)
27 - Numerical Schemes for Fractional Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
28 - A neural network to solve quadratic programming problems with fuzzy parameters (چکیده)
29 - Transcritical bifurcation of an immunosuppressive infection model (چکیده)
30 - Hopf bifurcation for a discontinuous HTLV-1 model (چکیده)
31 - Optimal control therapy and vaccination for special HIV-1 model (چکیده)
32 - Optimal Control of a Delayed HIV Infection Model via Fourier Series (چکیده)
33 - Numerical solution of time delay optimal control problems by hybrid of block-pulse functions and Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
34 - A new method for solving of Darboux problem with Haar Wavelet (چکیده)
35 - Solution for fractional distributed optimal control problem by hybrid meshless method (چکیده)
36 - A new class of Cayley graphs (چکیده)
37 - Support vector regression with random output variable and probabilistic constraints (چکیده)
38 - Solving differential equations of fractional order using an optimization technique based on training artificial neural network (چکیده)
39 - Solving linear two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations system by triangular functions (چکیده)
40 - Comments on “A discrete method to solve fractional optimal control problems” (Nonlinear Dyn, DOI:10.1007/s11071-014-1378-1) (چکیده)
41 - A Short Introduction to Two Approaches in Formal Verification of Security Protocols: Model Checking and Theorem Proving (چکیده)
42 - A Note on Group Authentication Schemes (چکیده)
43 - Coverage improvement in femtocell networks via efficient utility pricing (چکیده)
44 - A Neurodynamic Model to Solve Non-linear Pseudo-Monotone Projection Equation and Its Applications (چکیده)
45 - Solving a class of fractional optimal control problems by the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation (چکیده)
46 - An efficient recurrent neural network model for solving fuzzy non-linear programming problems (چکیده)
47 - Smoothing approach for a class of nonsmooth optimal control problems (چکیده)
48 - Mixed Tabu Machine for portfolio optimization problem (چکیده)
49 - An iterative approach for solving fractional optimal control problems (چکیده)
50 - زوش مونت کارلو برای قیمت گذاری اختیار آسیایی میانگین حسابی (چکیده)
51 - حل موازی معادله دو بعدی پوآسون بر اساس تجزیه دامنه (چکیده)
52 - A Novel Method to Solve a Class of Distributed Optimal Control Problems Using Bezier Curves (چکیده)
53 - Optimal Control of Time Delay Systems via Hybrid of Block-Pulse Functions and Orthonormal Taylor Series (چکیده)
54 - Optimal control of a class of non-linear time-delay systems via hybrid functions (چکیده)
55 - An approximation method for numerical solution of multi-dimensional feedback delay fractional optimal control problems by Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
56 - An approximate method for numerically solving multi-dimensional delay fractional optimal control problems by Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
57 - A new approach for numerical solution of a linear system with distributed delays, Volterra delay-integro-differential equations, and nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equation by Bezier curves (چکیده)
58 - A New Three–Term Conjugate Gradient Method with Descent Direction for Unconstrained Optimization (چکیده)
59 - Hybridizations of genetic algorithms and neighborhood searchmetaheuristics for fuzzy bus terminal location problems (چکیده)
60 - A Neural Network Approach for Solving a Class of Fractional Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
61 - بررسی عددی تطبیق پارامترهای مدل هستون (چکیده)
62 - تحلیل حساسیت تطبیق پارامترهای مدل هستون (چکیده)
63 - Fuzzy Projection Over a Crisp Set and Applications (چکیده)
64 - Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Graphs with Maximum and Minimum Eccentric Connectivity (چکیده)
65 - اموزش ریاضی کاربردی(بهینه سازی در تغذیه) (چکیده)
66 - Measure Theory Approach in Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Systems With Disturbances (چکیده)
67 - Homotopy Perturbation Method and He’s Polynomials for Solving the Porous Media Equation (چکیده)
68 - بهینه سازی چند هدفه مکان و پیکر بندی آنتن های جهتی در شبکه های بیسیم (چکیده)
69 - کاربردهایی از نظریه گراف (چکیده)
70 - An iterative method for solving the continuous sylvester equation by emphasizing on the skewhermitian parts of the coefficient matrices (چکیده)
71 - Global least squares method (Gl-LSQR) for solving general linear systems with several right-hand sides (چکیده)
72 - Practical methods for evaluating the accuracy of the eigenelements of a symmetric matrix (چکیده)
73 - The use of the CADNA library for validating the numerical results of the hybrid GMRES algorithm (چکیده)
74 - The stable ATA-orthogonal s-step Orthomin(k) algorithm with the CADNA library (چکیده)
75 - A new computational approach for solving optimal control of linear PDEs problem (چکیده)
76 - Spectral homotopy analysis method and its convergence for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
77 - یک مدل جدید برای مساله مکان‌یابی پایانه اتوبوس‌رانی و یک الگوریتم جستجوی محلی برای حل آن (چکیده)
78 - بررسی حل پذیری دستگاههای خطی LR فازی ذوزنقه‌ای (چکیده)
79 - حل دستگاه‌های خطی فازی LR بازه‌ای با استفاده از مدل کمترین مربعات (چکیده)
80 - An efficient hybrid approach based on K-means and generalized fashion algorithms for cluster analysis (چکیده)
81 - Diffusion of innovations over multiplex social networks (چکیده)
82 - A new method based on generalized Taylor expansion for computing a series solution of the linear systems (چکیده)
83 - The block LSMR method: a novel efficient algorithm for solving non-symmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides (چکیده)
84 - The block LSMR algorithm for solving linear systems with multiple right-hand sides (چکیده)
85 - A shifted nested splitting iterative method with applications to ill-posed problems and image restoration (چکیده)
86 - A Computational Model and Convergence Theorem for Rumor Dissemination in Social Networks (چکیده)
87 - ارائه مدلی جدید برای مساله زمان‌بندی کوتاه مدت کارگران دائم و موقت چندمهارته با امکان آموزش مهارت‌های جدید (چکیده)
88 - Process Algebraic Modeling of Authentication Protocols for Analysis of Parallel Multi-Session Executions (چکیده)
89 - An efficient tabu search for solving the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem (چکیده)
90 - Ultimate bound sets of a hyperchaotic system and its application in chaos synchronization (چکیده)
91 - The double negation of the intermediate value theorem (چکیده)
92 - A Solution to the Surprise Exam Paradox in Constructive Mathematics (چکیده)
93 - On the Constructive Notion of Closure Maps (چکیده)
94 - A process Algebraic form to represent extensive games (چکیده)
95 - Simulation of Skulduggery in a Multi-Agent System (چکیده)
96 - Decidability and Specker Sequences in Intuitionistic Mathematics (چکیده)
97 - Determining the timing of project control points using a facility location model and simulation (چکیده)
98 - Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows via a Proposed Simulated Annealing Metaheuristic Based on GIS Technology (چکیده)
99 - Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows via a Proposed Simulated Annealing Metaheuristic Based on GIS Technology (چکیده)
100 - Eccentric Connectivity Index of Graphs (چکیده)
101 - A new spectral meshless radial point interpolation(SMRPI) method fo rthe two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations on general domains with error analysis (چکیده)
102 - New (F/G)-Expansion Method and Its Applications to Nonlinear Pdes in Mathematical Physics (چکیده)
103 - Solving mixed Fredholm–Volterra integral equations by using the operational matrix of RH wavelets (چکیده)
104 - New ultimate bound sets and exponential finite-time synchronization for the complex Lorenz system (چکیده)
105 - On fuzzy linear projection equation and applications (چکیده)
106 - Approximating the Solution of Optimal Control Problems by Fuzzy Systems (چکیده)
107 - A Novel Neural Network Based on NCP Function for Solving Constrained Nonconvex Optimization Problems (چکیده)
108 - An efficient method to solve a fractional differential equation by using linear programming and its application to an optimal control problem (چکیده)
109 - A macro model with consideration of driver's reaction time and distance (چکیده)
110 - Finite element method for solving of linear two-dimensional integral equations on irregular domains (چکیده)
111 - بررسی رابطه بین ظرفیت حافظه فعال، هوش سیال و عملکرد ریاضی دانش آموزان پایه اول دبیرستان های دخترانه شهرستان باخرز در زمینه کسرها (چکیده)
112 - An extended three-term conjugate gradient method with sufficient descent property (چکیده)
113 - Construction of some accelerated methods for solving scalar stochastic differential equations (چکیده)
114 - A new solution method for stochastic differential equations via collocation approach (چکیده)
115 - Distribution of some Graph Invariants over Graph Operations (چکیده)
116 - Erratum to‎ -‎Modeling job rotation in manufacturing systems‎: ‎The study of employee's boredom and skill variations- ‎[Int‎. ‎J‎. ‎Production Economics 123 (2010) 69--85.] (چکیده)
117 - On Neighbourly Irregular Graphs (چکیده)
118 - On some Topological Indices of the Generalized Hierarchical Product of Graphs (چکیده)
119 - بررسی تاثیر عددی الگوریتم گرادیان مزدوج ترکیبی بابایی و قنبری در حل مساله افرازبندی گراف (چکیده)
120 - حل عددی معادلات انتگرال فازی فردهلم خطی نوع دوم با استفاده از موجک هار (چکیده)
121 - Hopf bifurcation in a general class of delayed BAM neural networks (چکیده)
122 - An efficient projection neural network for solving bilinear programming problems (چکیده)
123 - An iterative method for suboptimal control of linear time-delayed systems (چکیده)
124 - Traveling Wave Solutions For Some Nonlinear (N + 1)-Dimensional Evolution Equations by Using (G ′ /G) and (1/G ′ )-Expansion Methods (چکیده)
125 - Rationalized Haar wavelet bases to approximate solution of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations with error analysis (چکیده)
126 - A two-phase variable neighborhood search for solving nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
127 - Gegenbauer spectral method for time-fractional convection–diffusion equations with variable coefficients (چکیده)
128 - A new approach for solving a class of fuzzy optimal control systems under generalized Hukuhara differentiability (چکیده)
129 - Iterative methods for nonlinear systems associated with finite difference approach in stochastic differential equations (چکیده)
130 - A Modified Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
131 - Optimal selection of project portfolios using reinvestment strategy within a flexible time horizon (چکیده)
132 - RBFs meshless method of lines based on adaptive nodes for Burgers' equations (چکیده)
133 - On the piecewise-spectral homotopy analysis method and its convergence: solution of hyperchaotic L¨u system (چکیده)
134 - A revisit of stochastic theta method with some improvements (چکیده)
135 - Some derivative-free solvers for numerical solution of SODEs (چکیده)
136 - Existence of periodic solutions in a delayed ring network with n neurons (چکیده)
137 - مدل ریاضی تخصیص منابع انسانی به پروژهها در شرکتهای پروژه محور با ساختار ماتریسی (چکیده)
138 - چگونگی استفاده از CUTEr نصب شده درسیستم‌عامل مجازی لینوکس با قابلیت اجرا در ویندوز (چکیده)
139 - Two integer formulations for interval coloring of weighted graphs (چکیده)
140 - بهینه سازی استوار مسأله مکان‌یابی تسهیلات چند دوره‌ای (چکیده)
141 - The effect of emotional intelligence and cognitive performance on creativity of university students (چکیده)
142 - A fast convergent numerical method for matrix sign function with application in SDEs (چکیده)
143 - On a class of subadditive duals for the uncapacitated facility location problem (چکیده)
144 - Expansion of the Exp-function method for solving systems of two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations (چکیده)
145 - A New Iterative Method for Finding Approximate Inverses of Complex Matrices (چکیده)
146 - Artificial neural network method for solving the Navier–Stokes equations (چکیده)
147 - Numerical solution of weakly singular Fredholm integral equations via generalization of the Euler–Maclaurin summation formula (چکیده)
148 - Convergence analysis of Bernoulli matrix aproach for one-dimensional matrix hyperbolic equations of the first order (چکیده)
149 - LSMR Iterative Method for General Coupled Matrix Equations (چکیده)
150 - Solving nonlinear Volterra integro-differential equation by using Legendre polynomial approximations (چکیده)
151 - Who Should be Interviewed? A Response from Cluster Analysis (چکیده)
152 - Finite Element Method for solving Linear Volterra Integro-Differential Equations of the second kind (چکیده)
153 - A descent extension of the Polak–Ribière–Polyak conjugate gradient method (چکیده)
154 - Two modified three-term conjugate gradient methods with sufficient descent property (چکیده)
155 - Eccentric Connectivity and Zagreb Coindices of the Generalized Hierarchical Product of Graphs (چکیده)
156 - Hopf bifurcation in a general n-neuron ring network with n time delays (چکیده)
157 - Global stability analysis in delayed BAM neural network models (چکیده)
158 - Integrating PSO with modified hybrid GA for solving nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
160 - A Study on the relationship between multiple Intelligences and mathematical problem solving based on Revised Bloom Taxonomy (چکیده)
161 - On Generalized Convexity of Nonlinear Complementarity Functions (چکیده)
162 - An upper bound for the equitable chromatic number of complete n-partite graphs (چکیده)
163 - Ranking decision-making units by using combination of analytical hierarchical process method and Tchebycheff model in data envelopment analysis (چکیده)
164 - Hybrid projective synchronization and control of the Baier–Sahle hyperchaotic flow in arbitrary dimensions with unknown parameters (چکیده)
165 - A modified scaled conjugate gradient method with global convergence for nonconvex functions (چکیده)
166 - An Adaptive Nodes Generation Technique for Radial Basis Functions Meshfree Method (چکیده)
167 - A RBFs meshless method of lines for the numerical solution of Burgers' equation (چکیده)
168 - Complete solution to a conjecture of Zhang-Liu-Zhou (چکیده)
169 - Two optimal Dai–Liao conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
171 - Using Neural Network Approach for Bifurcation Analysis of a Reaction-diffusion System (چکیده)
172 - Forcing, damping and detuning for single and coupled Van der Pol oscillators (چکیده)
173 - A descent family of Dai-Liao conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
174 - A hybridization of the Polak-Ribière-Polyak and Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
175 - Fuzzy LR linear systems: quadratic and least squares models to characterize exact solutions and an algorithm to compute approximate solutions (چکیده)
176 - خوشه بندی : ابزاری برای آنالیز داده ها در مطالعات کمی و آمیخته (چکیده)
177 - The Dai-Liao nonlinear conjugate gradient method with optimal parameter choices (چکیده)
178 - A stopping rule for an iterative algorithm in systems of integral equations (چکیده)
179 - Applications of the generalized hierarchical product of graphs in computing the vertex and edge PI indices of chemical graphs (چکیده)
181 - یک شبکه عصبی برای حل مسایل بهینه سازی غیر خطی نامحدب (چکیده)
182 - A Novel Dynamic System Model Based on NCP Function for Solving Nonconvex Nonlinear Optimization Problems (چکیده)
184 - New method for controllability and observability of linear time-varying and time-invariant systems (چکیده)
185 - Studying the Corona Product of Graphs under some Graph Invariants (چکیده)
187 - Bifurcation Analysis of a Simplified BAM Neural Network Model with Time Delays (چکیده)
188 - Hopf bifurcation analysis of a delayed five-neuron BAM neural network with two neurons in the X-layer (چکیده)
189 - Global stability analysis and existence of periodic solutions in an eight-neuron BAM neural network model with delays (چکیده)
190 - The role of Metacognition on effect of Working Memory Capacity on students' mathematical problem solving (چکیده)
191 - Emergency Location Problems with an M/G/k Queueing System (چکیده)
192 - تخمین پارامترهای مدل ریاضی ایدز و اچ ای وی با استفاده از مشاهده و حل مدل کنترلی به روش گسسته سازی (چکیده)
193 - A different approach of optimal control on an HIV immunology model (چکیده)
194 - Adaptive Mesh Generation for Approximation of Traffic Flow Equations (چکیده)
195 - Optimal control strategy for a HIV infection model via fourier series (چکیده)
196 - Using shifted Legendre polynomials for solving optimal control problem of an HIV infection treatment control model (چکیده)
197 - Embedded-Based sliding Mode Control Design (چکیده)
198 - Optimal Control of Fuzzy Linear Controlled System with Fuzzy Initial Conditions (چکیده)
199 - A new approach for the optimal fuzzy linear time invariant controlled system with fuzzy coefficients (چکیده)
200 - The numerical solution of the singularly perturbed differential-difference equations based on the Meshless method (چکیده)
201 - Optimal control of time-varying linear delay systems based on the Bezier curves (چکیده)
202 - Numerical solution of some linear optimal control systems with pantograph delays (چکیده)
203 - Bezier Curves for Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind (چکیده)
204 - Bezier Curves Based Numerical Solutions of Delay Systems with Inverse Time (چکیده)
206 - عصب شناسی آموزش ریاضیات (عرصه ای نوبرای تحقیق) (چکیده)
207 - A study on the relationship between students’ cognitive style and Mathematical word and procedural problem solving while controlling for students’ intelligent quotient and math anxiety (چکیده)
208 - A new generalized AOR iterative method for solving linear systems (چکیده)
209 - Convergent Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Linear Systems (چکیده)
210 - Nested splitting CG-like iterative method for solving the continuous Sylvester equation and preconditioning (چکیده)
211 - An iterative method for computing the approximate inverse of a square matrix and the Moore–Penrose inverse of a non-square matrix (چکیده)
212 - A Computational Method for n- Dimensional Laplace Transforms Involved with Fourier Cosine Transform (چکیده)
213 - Applications of Some Graph Operationsin in Computing Some Invariants of Chemical Graphs (چکیده)
214 - A new modified quadrature method for solving linear weakly singular integral equations (چکیده)
215 - A new Bernoulli matrix method for solving second order linear partial differential equations with the convergence analysis (چکیده)
216 - Numerical solution for nonlinear-quadratic switching control systems with time delay (چکیده)
217 - Generalized Euler–Lagrange equation for nonsmooth calculus of variations (چکیده)
218 - Computing a fuzzy shortest path in a network with mixed fuzzy arc lengths using lengths using a-Cut (چکیده)
219 - A Novel Approach for Finding a Shortest Path in a Mixed Fuzzy NetworkFuzzy Network (چکیده)
220 - روش تفاضل متناهی فشرده برای معادلات انتشار کسری (چکیده)
222 - Maximum Covering Location Model in Project Control Problem (چکیده)
223 - بررسی پارامترهای پیچیدگی پروژه با منابع محدود (چکیده)
224 - Numerical Solution for IVP in Volterra Type Linear Integrodifferential Equations System (چکیده)
225 - PQWs in complex plane: Application to Fredholm integral equations (چکیده)
226 - Periodic Solutions in Certain Class of 3-Dimension Discontinuous Autonomous Systems (چکیده)
227 - A Psychological Model for Mathematical Problem Solving based on Revised Bloom Taxonomy for High School Girl Students (چکیده)
228 - An adaptive spectral variational iteration method for solving nonlinear initial value problems (چکیده)
229 - A New Tau Method for Solving Nonlinear Lane-Emden Type Equations via Bernoulli Operational Matrix of Differentiation (چکیده)
230 - extension of chicone s method for perturbation systems of three parameters with application to Lienard system (چکیده)
231 - Bifurcation conditions for stabilizing the unstable orbits of nonlinear planar systems (چکیده)
232 - New Approximation of Traffic Flow Equations (چکیده)
233 - On the computation of weighted Moore- Penrose inverse using a high-order matrix method (چکیده)
234 - Application of variational mesh generation approach for selecting centers of radial basis functions collocation method (چکیده)
235 - Applications of Graph Operations (چکیده)
236 - An O(n log n) algorithm for the Inverse 1-median problem on trees with variable vertex weights and edge reductions (چکیده)
237 - a quadrstic binary formulation for a graph partitioning problem (چکیده)
238 - An application of a merit function for solving convex programming problems (چکیده)
239 - Optimal control problem via neural networks (چکیده)
240 - The Coiflet–Galerkin method for linear Volterra integral equations (چکیده)
241 - Analytic-approximate solution for a class of nonlinear optimal control problems by homotopy analysis method (چکیده)
242 - Bifurcation analysis of a cellular nonlinear network model via neural network approach (چکیده)
243 - Note on properties of First Zagreb Index of Graphs (چکیده)
244 - Time optimal control problem of the heat equation with thermal source (چکیده)
245 - Feedback controller design for linear and a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
246 - An approximate method for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
247 - Optimal and adaptive control for a kind of 3D chaotic and 4D hyper-chaotic systems (چکیده)
248 - A New Piecewise-Spectral Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Chaotic Systems of Initial Value Problems (چکیده)
249 - Maximum dynamic network flow interdiction problem: New formulation (چکیده)
250 - Nested splitting conjugate gradient method for matrix equation AXB = C and preconditioning (چکیده)
251 - Distribution of some graph invariants over hierarchical product of graphs (چکیده)
252 - نقش اضطراب ریاضی و سبک های یادگیری دانش آموزان بر حل مسائل کلامی درس حسابان (چکیده)
253 - طبقه بندی اصلاح شده بلوم و کاربرد آن در یاددهی- یادگیری ریاضی و برنامه درسی (چکیده)
254 - On convergence of He’s variational iteration method for nonlinear partial differential equations (چکیده)
255 - The Vertex and Edge PI Indices of Generalized Hierarchical Product of Graphs (چکیده)
256 - Accelerated normal and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for positive definite linear systems (چکیده)
257 - A New Approach for the Generalized First Derivative and Extension It to the Generalized Second Derivative of Nonsmooth Functions (چکیده)
258 - A New Practical Generalized Derivative for Nonsmooth Functions (چکیده)
259 - A Novel Approach for Solving Nonsmooth Optimization Problems with Application to Nonsmooth Equations (چکیده)
260 - Generalized Derivative of Fuzzy Nonsmooth Functions (چکیده)
261 - A Numerical Approach for Nonsmooth Ordinary Differential Equations (چکیده)
262 - Extremely Irregular Graphs (چکیده)
263 - Note on Strong Product of Graphs (چکیده)
264 - A Collocation Method Based on the Bernoulli Operational Matrix for Solving High-Order Linear Complex Differential Equations in a Rectangular Domain (چکیده)
265 - Fourier Operational Matrices of Differentiation and Transmission: Introduction and Applications (چکیده)
266 - Optimal Control for General n-Compartmental Models in Cancer Chemotherapy Using Measure Theoretical Approach (چکیده)
267 - Global Optimization with Electro Weak (چکیده)
268 - Sliding mode controllers for second order and extended Heisenberg systems (چکیده)
269 - Adaptive Numerical Simulation of Traffic Flow Density (چکیده)
270 - On infinite-horizon optimal control problems (چکیده)
271 - Solution of The Smoluchowski’s Equation by Homotopy Analysis Method (چکیده)
272 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
273 - A new method for solving a system of the nonlinear equations (چکیده)
274 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving convex nonlinear programming problems (چکیده)
275 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via He’s Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
276 - Model Predictive Control for Optimal Anti-HIV Drug Administration (چکیده)
277 - Isogeometrical solution of Laplace equation (چکیده)
278 - Chaos Control and Global Stabilization of HIV Infection of CD+ 4 T-cells System (چکیده)
279 - Further results on hierarchical product of graphs (چکیده)
280 - Mixed Tabu Machine for portfolio optimization problem (چکیده)
281 - Existence and stability analysis of bifurcating periodic solutions in a delayed five-neuron BAM neural network model (چکیده)
282 - A Parametric Linearization Approach for Solving Zero-One Nonlinear Programming Problems (چکیده)
283 - Exact solutions of some types of Fredholm integral equations: He s VIM combined with finite series (چکیده)
284 - An Efficient and Practically Robust Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Fuzzy Bus Terminal Location Problems (چکیده)
285 - Further Results on Distance-balanced graphs (چکیده)
286 - Further Results On the Third Zagreb Index of Graphs (چکیده)
287 - پیش بینی چگالی جریان ترافیک جاده های شیب دار با استفاده از مدل های ریاضی (چکیده)
288 - Stability and bifurcation analysis in the delay-coupled nonlinear oscillators (چکیده)
289 - حل یک مدل جریان ترافیک کلان نگر با استفاده از روش تعدیل شبکه (چکیده)
290 - Bezier control points method to solve constrained quadratic optimal control of time varying linear systems (چکیده)
291 - 3D Reconstruction Using Cubic Bezier Spline Curves and Active Contours, Case Study (چکیده)
292 - The role of mathematical homework and prior knowledge on the relationship between students’ mathematical performance, cognitive style and working memory capacity (چکیده)
293 - The relationship between students’ cognitive abilities, mathematical performance and the level of Testosterone, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Prolactin and Thyroxine (چکیده)
294 - Relationship between the Hyers--Ulam stability and the Moore--Penrose inverse (چکیده)
295 - Approximation of stochastic advection-diffusion equation using compact finite difference technique (چکیده)
296 - Approximation of Stochastic Advection Diffusion Equations with Stochastic Alternating Direction Explicit Methods (چکیده)
297 - Adaptive numerical method for Burger-type nonlinear equations (چکیده)
298 - تقریب رده ای از معادلات دیفرانسیل-انتگرال با مشتقات جزیی به روش حرکت شبکه (چکیده)
299 - روش هم محلی متحرک برای معادلات با مشتقات نسبی کسری (چکیده)
300 - Existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions for a class of nonlinear integral equations under generalized Lipschitz condition (چکیده)
301 - Optimal control of switched systems based on Bezier control points (چکیده)
302 - The Bezier Control Points Method for Solving Delay Differential Equation (چکیده)
303 - Two hybrid nonlinear conjugate gradient methods based on a modified secant equation (چکیده)
304 - Modified fractional Euler method for solving Fuzzy Fractional Initial Value Problem (چکیده)
305 - Solving Volterra integral equations of the second kind by wavelet-Galerkin scheme (چکیده)
306 - Estimating the Optimal Dosage of Sodium Valproate in Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
309 - Accelerated normal and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for positive definite linear systems (چکیده)
310 - Recursive self preconditioning method based on Schur complement for Toeplitz matrices (چکیده)
311 - An approximate-analytical solution for the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation via homotopy perturbation method (چکیده)
312 - The Effects of Sleep Duration on Predictive Factors of Mathematical Performance (چکیده)
313 - Experimental Research about Effect of Mathematics Anxiety, Working Memory Capacity on Students’ Mathematical Performance With Three Different Types of Learning Methods (چکیده)
314 - Secondary mathematics teachers’ filed dependency and its effects on their cognitive abilities (چکیده)
315 - Exploring the relationship between Iranian students’ Mathematical Literacy and Mathematical performance (چکیده)
316 - Fuzzy linear regression based on least absolute deviations (چکیده)
317 - Optimal Control Approach for Solving Linear Volterra Integral Equations (چکیده)
318 - Solving the Interval-Valued Linear Fractional Programming Problem (چکیده)
319 - An almost optimal control design method for nonlinear time-delay systems (چکیده)
320 - Solving the Optimal Control of Linear Systems via Homotopy Perturbation Method (چکیده)
321 - Using sliding mode control in stability treatment of HIV disease (چکیده)
322 - بررسی تفاوت های فردی در زمینه دقت،اضطراب و نگرش ریاضی و تاثیر آن بر عملکرد ریاضی فراگیران (چکیده)
323 - بررسی تفاوت های فردی و رهیافت های شناختی در رابطه حافظه فعال و عملکرد حل مسئله ریاضی فراگیران (چکیده)
324 - The relationship between predictive factors of mathematical performance and the level of Testosterone, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Prolactin and Thyroxine (چکیده)
325 - Cooperative learning and academic hardiness on students’ mathematical performance with different levels of mathematics anxiety (چکیده)
327 - Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems: Models and Solutions (چکیده)
328 - نامساوی برون- مینکوفسکی در گذر زمان (چکیده)
329 - Improving spectral bounds for clustering problems by Lagrangian relaxation (چکیده)
331 - Students’ Field-dependency and Their Mathematical Performance based on Bloom’s Cognitive Levels (چکیده)
332 - Two effective hybrid metaheuristic algorithms for minimization of multimodal functions (چکیده)
333 - Fuzzy Fractional Diffusion Problem (چکیده)
334 - Queueing Covering Maximal Location-Allocation Problem: An Extension with M/G/1 Sysytems (چکیده)
335 - Uniquely remotal sets in c_0-SUMS AND L∞-SUMS OF FUZZY NORMED SPACES (چکیده)
336 - Solving Famous Nonlinear Coupled Equations with Parameters Derivative by Homotopy Analysis Method (چکیده)
337 - A global linearization approach to solve nonlinear nonsmooth constrained programming problems (چکیده)
340 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via A Modified Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
341 - Interval Support Vector Machine in Regression Analysis (چکیده)
342 - A Novel Recurrent Neural Network for Solving Mlcps and its Application to Linear and Quadratic Programming (چکیده)
343 - Solving a Class of Separated Continuous Programming Problems Using Linearization and Discretization (چکیده)
344 - A modified parametric iteration method for solving nonlinear second order BVPs (چکیده)
345 - A new fuzzy neural network model for solving fuzzy linear programming problems and its applications (چکیده)
346 - Solving a class of linear and non-linear optimal control problems by homotopy (چکیده)
347 - A New Spectral Variational Iteration Method for Solving Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems (چکیده)
348 - Comparison of Liao’s optimal HAM and Niu’s one-step optimal HAM for solving integro-differential equations (چکیده)
349 - Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Volterra Integral Equations by Spectral Galerkin Method (چکیده)
350 - Moving mesh adaptation techniques (چکیده)
351 - بررسی دوروش پیشرفته تعدیل شبکه جهت تقریب معادلات میدان حالت (چکیده)
352 - A New Definition for Generalized First Derivative of Nonsmooth Functions (چکیده)
353 - Numerical solution of stochastic differential equation corresponding to continuous distributions (چکیده)
355 - Numerics of Stochastic Parabolic Differential Equations with Stable Finite Difference Schemes (چکیده)
357 - Solving of time varying quadratic optimal control problems by using Bézier control points (چکیده)
358 - A New Approach for a Class of Optimal Control Problems of Volterra Integral Equations (چکیده)
359 - A gender study on predictive factors of mathematical performance of University students (چکیده)
360 - تحول بنیادین در شیوه های یاددهی ،یادگیری و ارزیابی بر اساس طبقه بندی اصلاح شده بلوم (چکیده)
361 - Iterative algorithm in systems of linear integral equations and error analysis (چکیده)
362 - Legendre Method for a Class of Nonlinear Optimal control problems (چکیده)
363 - Maximal covering location-allocation problem with M/M/k queueing system and side constraints (چکیده)
364 - A Meta -Analyze on Mathematical Beliefs and Mathematical Performance of Iranian Students. (چکیده)
365 - Variational iteration method for solving Seventh order integro-differential equations (چکیده)
366 - A piecewise-spectral parametric iteration method for solving the nonlinear chaotic Genesio system (چکیده)
367 - Embedding-Based Sliding Mode Control for Linear Time (چکیده)
368 - Optimal Control of HIV Dynamic Using EmbeddingMethod (چکیده)
369 - چند برهان برای لم فارکاش (چکیده)
370 - M/M/k مساله مکانیابی ماکزیمم پوشش با سیستم صف با قید های اضافی (چکیده)
372 - مدلی برای حل مساله بر پایه دقت ریاضی،قابلیت های فراشناختی،حافظه فعال و اظطراب ریاضی شاگردان (چکیده)
373 - A Study on the Performance of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Based On Cognitive Process of Revised Bloom Taxonom (چکیده)
374 - Optimal control of HIV infection by using fuzzy dynamical systems (چکیده)
375 - Exact and approximate solutions of fuzzy LR linear systems: New algorithms using a least squares model and the ABS approach (چکیده)
376 - Multiobjective Optimal Control of HIV Dynamics (چکیده)
381 - روش مونت کارلو برای حل معادلات بکر-دورین بامتوسط مونومر ثابت (چکیده)
382 - A predictive model for mathematical performance of blind and seeing students (چکیده)
384 - Fuzzy Stability of Quartic Mappings (چکیده)
385 - Fuzzy Time-Delay Dynamical systems (چکیده)
386 - A new approach to solve Multi-objective linear bilevel programming problems (چکیده)
387 - Generalized higher derivations are sequences of generalized derivations (چکیده)
388 - A numerical scheme for Fredholm integral equations (چکیده)
389 - Modified Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Integral Equations (چکیده)
390 - Application of He’s Homotopy Perturbation Method to Linear Programming (چکیده)
391 - Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems with Piecewise Linear Membership Function (چکیده)
392 - A novel recurrent nonlinear neural network for solving quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
393 - The Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Variational problems (چکیده)
394 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via A Modified Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
395 - Variational iteration method for solving mth-order boundary value problems (چکیده)
396 - A new approach for solving non-linear non-smooth programming problems (چکیده)
397 - Variational Iteration Method for Solving Seventh Order Integro-differential equations (چکیده)
398 - شناسایی نقاط با ارزش شهری در مشهد (چکیده)
399 - Variational Iteration Method for Solving Nonlinear Differential-difference Equations-NDDEs (چکیده)
400 - A Semidefinite Relaxation for QCLP (چکیده)
401 - چگونه میتوان لم فارکاش را اثبات کرد؟ (چکیده)
402 - A new approach to solving semi-infinite programming problem (چکیده)
403 - Maximizing of Asymptomatic Stage of Fast Progressive HIV Infected Patient Using Embedding Method (چکیده)
404 - Artificial Neural Networks Approach for Solving Stokes Problem (چکیده)
405 - Time optimal control problem of the wave equation (چکیده)
406 - زوج درمانی متمرکز بر هیجان (چکیده)
407 - Variational iteration method for solvingn nonlinear integral equations (چکیده)
408 - Varitational iteration method for solving mth-order boundary value problems (چکیده)
409 - Integeral graphs and their spectra (چکیده)
411 - Solving Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation as a Control Problem by Using Measure Theory (چکیده)
412 - New approach for attenuation correction in SPECT images, using linear optimization (چکیده)
414 - On the conditions for whidch the Atm proyiein can switch off the DNA damage signal in a P^53 model (چکیده)
415 - Linearisation of Boundary Optimal Control Problems by Finite Element Method (چکیده)
416 - A Numerical Approach for Solving Linear and NonlinearVolterra Integral Equations with Controlled Error (چکیده)
417 - Solving nonlinear integral equations in the Urysohn form by Newton - Kantorovich quadrature method (چکیده)
418 - Hyers-Ulam Stability of Nonlinear Integral Equation (چکیده)
420 - Piecewise-Truncated Parametric Iteration Method: a PromisingAnalytical Method for Solving Abel Differential Equations (چکیده)
421 - Two new conjugate gradient methods based on modified secant equations (چکیده)
422 - Solving bus terminal location problems using evolutionary algorithms (چکیده)
423 - New solutions of LR fuzzy linear systems using ranking functions and ABS algorithms (چکیده)
424 - Solution of semi-infinite programming by geometric programming (چکیده)
425 - A Numerical methods for obtaining the Generalized derivatives of non differentiable function (چکیده)
426 - A new approach for solving of optimal nonlinear control problems (چکیده)
427 - A Brief review of the iterative methods for solving Toeplitz systems (چکیده)
428 - Exact solutions for linear Fredholm fuzzy integral equations of the second kind by homotopy perturbations method (چکیده)
429 - A parametric linearization approach for solving zero-one nonlinear programming problems (چکیده)
430 - A neural network approach for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
431 - Solving linear fuzzy Fredholm integral equations of the second kind by the homotopy analysis method (چکیده)
432 - Optimal control strategy for a fully determined HIV model (چکیده)
434 - A study of blow up in reaction diffusion equations with adaptive mesh method (چکیده)
435 - Adaptive Mesh Redistribution with Upwinding Scheme (چکیده)
436 - Adaptive method for approximation phase field equation (چکیده)
437 - Adaptive level set method with local time step refinement for time depenedent PDEs (چکیده)
438 - Optimal approximation problem (چکیده)
439 - A Finite Difference Schemes for Stochastic Parabolic Differential Equations (چکیده)
440 - Approximation of Stochastic Parabolic Differential Equations with Saul yev Methods (چکیده)
441 - روشهای رانگ-کوتای حافظه پایین برای معادلات دیفرانسیل تصادفی (چکیده)
443 - Convergence of He’s Variational Iteration Method for Nonlinear Oscillators (چکیده)
444 - Two dynamic and static adaptive methods for time dependent partial differentia equations (چکیده)
445 - Method of lines for stochastic boundary value problems (چکیده)
446 - تعدیل وردشی شبکه در حل معادلات دیفرانسیل با مشتقات جزیی دوبعدی (چکیده)
447 - A modified moving element free Petrov_Galerkin viscous method (چکیده)
448 - Corrected fundamental numerical solution of elliptic PDEs (چکیده)
449 - An adaptive mesh method with variable relaxation time (چکیده)
450 - Strong Runge-Kutta methods with order one for numerical solution of ITO stochastic differential equations (چکیده)
451 - A family of predictor-corrector methods based on weight combination of quadratures for solving nonlinear equations (چکیده)
452 - A gradient weighted moving finite-element method with polynomial approximation of any degree (چکیده)
453 - New ROW-type scheme with weak order 2 for approximating stochastic differentisl equations (چکیده)
454 - Adaptive grid based on geometric conservation law level set method for time dependent PDE (چکیده)
455 - An improved regula falsi method for finding simple zeros of nonlinear equations (چکیده)
456 - Moving Mesh Method With Local Time Step Refinement For Blow-up Problems (چکیده)
457 - Strong approximation of stochastic differential equations with Runge-Kutta methods (چکیده)
458 - Weakly stochastic Runge-Kutta method with order 2 (چکیده)
459 - A moving mesh method with variable mesh relaxation time (چکیده)
460 - HYERS–ULAM Stability of Volterra Integral (چکیده)
461 - Solving of time varying quadratic optimal control problems using Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
462 - A psychological model applied to mathematical problem solving (چکیده)
463 - Emphatic Constraints Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
464 - An efficient iterative analytical method applied to a nonlinear biochemical reaction model (چکیده)
465 - کنترل بهینه بیماری HIV (چکیده)
466 - بررسی مدل ریاضی کنترل رشد تومور با روش ایمنی درمانی (چکیده)
467 - تخمین نرخ تبدیل آلودگی ویروس HIV به بیماری ایدز با استفاده از کنترل فازی (چکیده)
468 - تعیین همزمان نقشه تضعیف و اکتیویته در تصویربرداری spect بر مبنای بهینه سازی (چکیده)
469 - انواع مدلهای کنترلی ریاضی برای کنترل بیماری دیابت نوع 2 (چکیده)
470 - کاربرد منطق فازی در پزشکی و علم تغذیه (چکیده)
471 - بررسی مقایسه ای مدل های ریاضی در علوم پزشکی مطالعه موضوعی (چکیده)
472 - A new approach for solving of nonlinear time varying control systems (چکیده)
473 - A stochastic measure theoretical approach for solving nonlinear stochastic optimal control problem (چکیده)
474 - Discritization of an elliptic control problem by finite element method (چکیده)
475 - Tri-directional Scheduling Scheme:Theory and Computation (چکیده)
476 - An almost optimal control for time-delay systems (چکیده)
477 - Measure theory approach in sliding mode control for nonlinear systems (چکیده)
478 - Artificial neural network approach for solving fuzzy differential equations (چکیده)
479 - Rayleigh Ritz approach for solving Fredholm integral equations (چکیده)
480 - Maximum Dynamic Flow Interdiction Problem (چکیده)
481 - An analytical algorithm for unsteady nonlinear convective- radiative equation (چکیده)
482 - A Hybrid of the Newton-GMRES and Electromagnetic Meta-Heuristic Methods for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations (چکیده)
483 - تعیین تعداد بهینه کان‌بان به کمک الگوریتم جستجوی پراکنده (چکیده)
484 - رویکردهای سری و موازی در زمان بندی پروژه با منابع محدود (چکیده)
485 - Neural network application to solve Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
486 - Solving Nonhomogeneous Fuzzy nth-order linear differential equation (چکیده)
487 - A New Approach for estimation of attraction region and asymptotic stability a system of nonlinear ODE (چکیده)
488 - The Optimal Method for Solving Continuous Linear and Nonlinear Programs (چکیده)
489 - He’s homotopy perturbation method: An effective tool for solving nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations (چکیده)
490 - A Note On Analytical Solution Of DoubleLinear Volterra Integral Equations Of The second kind (چکیده)
491 - A discretisation method for solving time optimal control problems (چکیده)
492 - Fuzzy Circuit Analysis (چکیده)
493 - Optimizing Chemotherapy in an HIV Model by a Pair of Optimal Control (چکیده)
494 - Production Planning in Fuzzy Environment (چکیده)
495 - مدل سازی تخلیه اضطراری با رویکرد شبیه سازی موازی (چکیده)
496 - Improvement of the rate of convergence estimates for multigri algorithm (چکیده)
497 - Factored sparse approximate inverse of block tridiagonal and block pentadiagonal matrices (چکیده)
498 - On computing of block ILU preconditioner for block tridiagonal systems (چکیده)
499 - Solving some optimal path planning problems using an approach based on measure theory (چکیده)
500 - Preconditioned Galerkin and minimal residual methods for solving Sylvester equations (چکیده)
501 - Theorems on n-dimensional laplace transformations involving the solution of wave equations (چکیده)
502 - A new Technique for Approximate Solution of the Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind (چکیده)